Saturday, 7 September 2013

Caluan Curry

Flat, oval fishball
This would be a very short entry about this unique fishball. As said, it is flat and oval. The taste? I would say it is more spongy than the normal ones. Overall, I think it's the same. FYI, this is home-made by the aunty selling in the hawker center. So there's high chances that you might not find it elsewhere.
  • 10 packets of Caluan (makes a total of 60 balls)
  • 600 g long beans
  • 2200 mL of 'santan' (coconut milk)
  • Salt and sugar to taste 
  • 50 g of garlic - chopped and pound
  • 50 g of shallot - chopped and pound
  • 3 packet of fish flavor chili paste
  • 1 1/2 tbsp 'lada giling' (chili paste) - follow preferences as to spicy or not
Grated coconut out of

Long beans to boil
Shallots and garlic
Chopped before pound
Fish flavor chili paste

  1. Cut long beans about 2 cm each and bring to boil. This is to fasten the cooking process.
  2. Mixed in (A) in a bowl and bring to fry in a wok. Fry until fragrant.  
  3. Slowly, add in scoop by scoop of coconut milk and keep stirring.
  4. When it's about 1000 mL of curry, transfer it into a cooking pot.
  5. Maintain the heat and keeping adding coconut milk in. Stir countionusly.
  6. Add in long beans and keep stirring.
  7. Caluan balls are added lastly.
  8. Add in salt and sugar to taste.
  9. Keep tasting until it's cooked.
  10. Dish and serve.

This is a recipe serve for at least 10 people. So if any of you wanted to try this out, do remember to cut the measurements accordingly. And as to this, the curry is a little bit thaw. Keep in mind to reduce the amount of coconut milk.
Overall, this is one of the best recipe that Popo has. It's is also her specialty. And to that,

Here's a photo of Popo squeezing out coconut milk
One may see this as a simple recipe but as for me, myself, I think there lots of things that can go wrong. For example, when grating the coconut, the grated coconut must not be too long nor too short. Otherwise, there won't be any milk. And to squeezing also, there's a technique there. Popo doesn't want to let me do it. *saddd
An there you go, a home-made Caluan curry for the whole family to feast on.

Thanks for reading. Hope this helps

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