Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Biggest Fluffy Bunny

"The Biggest Bunny in the world is enjoying the Spring on Italian Hillside"

This caught my attention. A group of artists called Gelatin have knitted a huge pink rabbit and left it lying on a hill in northern Italy. This pink rabbit is made of soft, waterproof materials and is stuffed with straws. I'm not surprise to say that it's 200 ft long. It took the artists and lots of helpers, 5 long years to knit the massive bunny and they plan to leave it on the hillside for 20 years which is until 2025.

I guess, they are for sure proud of their creation even thou it takes time to complete. I mean, the bunny is so gigantic that it will attract all the attention! Five years is not a short period of time. It takes lots of patience.

The stuffed bunny is getting a bit grubby as it's been there more than a year but the artists said that is art of the idea. They also want to see what happens to it over time and to see if there is any of it left after the 20 years are over.

The rabbit is placed near a town called Artesina, which is in the Alps, a range of mountains in northern Italy. It snows heavily there in winter and the bunny looks very different under the blanket of snow. 
I would like to go there and climb and bounce on the bunny. Not forgetting, snaps lots of photo as we don't come across awesome thing often.

From my point of view, art is not just about drawing or maybe looking at old paintings in a big gallery. Art is a form of creativity, doing something that nobody does before. Great artists often come up with the most incredible creations in unusual places and make grown ups jump up and down like children.

I've done my research and I can actually tell you here that the bunny is so gigantic that YOU CAN SEE IT IN GOOGLE MAP!

Here's the photo of my findings? You can go check it out yourself if you don't trust me. Type "Artesins" and hit the button search. From there, you can see the pink bunny!


Amazing huh? I would like this gigantic bunny too in Malaysia! Maybe we can build a TURTLE with recycled material! Malaysians, what do you guys think??

Thanks for reading this entry !!

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