Friday, 14 February 2014

Happy Valentine !!

Happy Valentine Day and Happy Chap Goh Meh peeps! Isn't it ironic that this year the Chinese and the Americans are gonna celebrate their love day together? *smirks I'm so gonna find a river tomorrow to throw my oranges in there, hoping that my prince charming would collect it. I et there would be lots of free oranges in the river tomorrow. So to the tam xin people, get ready your nets at the end of the river!!!

Whoa. I was gone for so long that I missed my free blogging days badly till the extent that I'm finding a solution to at least blog a little a day. I was thinking that maybe I can blog at Insta or even Dayre. I just need a place to release my daily frustration! Heh. Why is life so difficult? I barely even have time to relax anymore. Too busy with those hectic schedules of mine. Sometimes, I asked myself, why the heck did I insist to take another year of foundation studies knowing that it would be a hell stressful. My original plan was to finish my degree as fast as possible but as for now, it's not that fast already. Hell. I'm so back from all my friends. Some had even started their degree. Haihh. Getting old leh. Sipek paiseh wanna tell my friends here that I'm 20 already. -.- Sometimes I even wished that they don't popped out the question. Not that I mind but when you're in a group of people that are all younger than you, being older a year does really matters! Tell me, who wanna grow old? The only time we're thinking of getting older is when we're kids. Aahh.. Those kids days when seeing your parents going for work seems so cool that you can't wait to grow up faster. I TAKE BACK MY WORDS!!!
This week is so damn packed with mid-terms and test. Heh. Sad to say, I did badly for my Physic test that I don't even wanna know my results. Hope Mr Teng lost my paper so he can't marked and asked me to do once again. Keep dreaming, Karen. That would never happen. I hate Physic. I hate Newton. Why he gotta be an ang moh? Why didn't he born in Malaysia? So instead of apple fell on his head, a durian dropped and killed him instantly. That would save me lots of troubles with Physic. Why he gotta be so kepoh? Urghh. I think those angmohs like to question why this or why something happen. Like in class, I find it very annoying lo since they almost asked everything the teacher taught. Well, sometimes it can be a very stupid question to ask but still they are brave enough to ask without fearing that people would laugh them off. We, Malaysians, sit tiam-tiam at the back there, accepting everything the teachers taught without questioning anything. LOL. Even if the teachers taught the wrong thing, we still accept it but later complaining the teachers stupid after the class ended. You know you're Malaysians when you do that.

Today sipek embarrassing. My lecture ended at 9.30 am but then I have tutorial of the same subject at 11.00. So when I saw the lecture entered the class for the tutorial, I straight away entered the class too with a grin that I have a place to sit while waiting for 11.30. Of course I'm not that lucky, it happens that the lecture has a class there. LOL!!! Everybody was staring at me like I have ketchup all over my face. So I went finding other empty class to sit to finish off my tutorial exercises and keep reminding myself that I have class at 11.30. When it was time, I went back to see that the teacher haven't finished teaching so I ran again but it feels weird. Took my phone out and checked my timetable. Guess what? It stated there that my tutorial starts at 11.00 am!!! Ahh. Went into the class with a very embarrassing face, looking down, finding for a seat. Not wanting to see everyone at the moment. They must be laughing their ass off inside their heads! The first time went to early and the second time, went late to class. Great, Karen!! Just great!! The day can't be any better!

Came back with the landlord in the house, cleaning the other room. We're gonna have a roommate tomorrow *gloomy face It is not the idea of having a new housemate that make me sad but the fact that we gonna stay with an Indian girl make me sad. I not being racist or whatever but let just say that I have very bad experiences of having Indians as my neighbors. Pray hard that this Indian gonna be a good one.

It's already Chap Goh May, the 15th day of Chinese New Year which is also the last day. Well, I did have a nice CNY thou I'm back here on the 4th day of CNY. It's not because of the angpaus I received but it's the time spent with my family and Xiao Ai. Have lots of fun with him. Kinda miss him now. My angpaus? I don't even opened it and checked how much I got. Really. No lie. I guess it would be around RM 200 since I heard Goaty counted his. 200 is like our maximum every year. Sipek little hor? My friends all get more than 500 ones. Sipek jealous. Being a money wise girl, heck I don't even gamble my ass off this year. Totally no time. If there's any spare time, you would spotted me with Xiao Ai at every corners of the house with ball in his mouth and a phone in my hands to take photos of him. Hehehee

My CNY first day outfit
Bought it in Bangkok
Still fat leh.. Haihhhh
With Mousy!!
Cewahhh! Goaty did his signature pose
Snakey really look like Dad.
Kinda weird to type the animals name out now. It feels like forever since I used them.
Tigress, Alice and me!
Second day outfit
So glad that I made the bet with Great Tiger. I never ever worn dresses for CNY ever since 14 coz I can't find my size but this year I not only wear one but 2 dresses for CNY. To add to that, they are all my choice not because I don't have choice and was forced to wear them. I super happy lo!! =D
My boy!!
A cheap singlet ought at Chatuchak at 50 THB!!
And here's the time to spam my entries with lovely photos of Xiao Ai!!!
Super fluffy hor?
Was snapped just after I groomed him.
Loa beh Tigress didn't even groom him for CNY
Xiao Ai wanna look nice too...
My date every afternoon!! <3
Xiao Ai's sleepy face
Hahahaha So cute
He was accompanying me thru the night while I finish off my lab report
Me and Mami!
LOL! Didn't even have a decent selfie picture with Mum in our CNY attire
Without realizing, my 4 days home flew by just like that. Planned so much to do but get so little done. This CNY I don't really feast on food ad tidbits leh. Come to think about it, I have none, not even a single bite while at home. Thank god Mum packed some for me to bring back. Haha. More like I remind her. =D Even before going back, I asked Mum to stock up oranges, snacks and drinks but I eat none. From the 4 boxes of oranges at home, I only at 4 oranges. Sadd right. I know. That is the sacrifice made by me, a uni student.
So while on this very Valentine day, to all singles out there, don't cry your heart out. Keep calm and feast on the love letters!!
Happy Valentine!!!
<3 <3 <3
Sending lots of love and kisses!

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