Saturday 22 February 2020

Chocolate chips cookies by Chef Amer

How many years since I last updated this space? Many things had happened since then. Will update when I have the time, which is probably a lot coming next month.

Here is a quick recipe note for my future self.

Famos Amer Choc Chips Cookies


250 gm butter (room temperature)
80 gm fine sugar
80 gm brown sugar
3 gm vanilla flavor
1 egg (Gred A)
1 egg yolk

(B) *sifted together
300 gm flour
10 gm coca powder
50 gm milk powder
6 gm baking powder
2 gm soda bicarbonate
5 gm emplex

180 gm dark chocolate
100 gm walnut/pecan (roast for 5-6 minit)

1. In a mixing bowl, add all ingredients (A) and mix well with a spatula.
2. Add slightly beaten egg and egg yolk into the mixing bowl little by little while mixing.
3. Add sifted ingredients (B) into the mixing bowl. Mix well
4. Add chocolate chips and walnut into mixing bowl. Mix well.
5. Scoop the batter onto baking tray lined with baking paper.
6. Bake in preheated oven at 170 degree for 20 mins.

- Gunakan lah mentega tulen seperti Anchor, SCS atau jenama lain yang kita suka, boleh juga gunakan mentega camapuran Lepa Susu seperti FarmCow, Buttercup atau Twin Cow, seeloknya letakkan sedikit Butter Flavor.
Keluarkan dari peti sejuk, potong kecil & terus pukul (JANGAN biarkan di uar hingga lembut)

- Guna lah gula halus atau gula kastor ya, jangan guna gula batu, nanti jadi kembang semangkuk pula.
- Gula juga berfungsi meranggupkan biskut kita, jadi jangan terlalu nak kurangkan gula sangat.

- Kalau nak lagi padu, guna Silky Vanilla by Chef Amer, ada di jual tu.

- Boleh jer guna tepung gandum biasa tetapi kalau nak lagi ranggup gunakan tepung biskut atau Red Rose Flour tetapi bukan tepung gandum cap bunga rose.

- Tu bahan yang meranggupkan biskut lagi, cari jer kat kedai menjual bahan bakeri.
- Jangan cari kat kedai jual basikal ya.

Choc chips
- Guna yang BAKABLE agar tidak cair apabila dibakar
- Boleh juga guna coklat bar yang dicincang-cincang tetapi ia akan cair sedikit bila bakar nanti.

Walnut / Pecan
- Panggang lah pada suhu 170℃ selama 5 - 6 minit untuk dapatkan biskut yang lebih ranggup dan tahan lama tetapi biasanya biskut ni memang tak akan tahan lama, terutamanya yang ramai anak.
Bakar pada suhu 170℃ untuk convection oven biasa tetapi jika guna avon yang ada kipas guna suhu 160℃ sahaja, masa pembakaran bergantung pada oven biasanya antara 20 - 25 minit

Thursday 10 May 2018

For Malaysia

9th May 2018 marks Malaysia's 14th General Election. As I was writing this, it is 12 am sharp, 10th May. We are still waiting for the results of the election. I feel so strong urge to type out my thought right now. So here I am.

p/s I am not siding any political parties. But I feel so overwhelmed and touched by Malaysian during the whole election process from the announcement of the election day till today.

The first thing that touched me was the spirit of lending a hand shown by Malaysian. This year election was held on May 9 (Wednesday) which was a weekday for us. It is quite troublesome for us to travel back to our hometown to vote. So, people has created #carpoolGE14 on Twitter. So basically they are calling for those who have the same destination but have trouble finding transport to carpool with strangers. It feels like despite different races and political believes, people get together as a nation for the hope of the country.

There have been news circulating around about oversea voters that did not manage to get their postal votes or receiving them to late to be posted back. As far as I read, the postal votes much reach the election council on 9th May at 5.00 pm. This prompts to having discssuion among Malaysian that lives oversea in FB group GE14: Postal Voters Discussion. They are all in hand trying to help bringing the votes home on time.

As a Chinese minority living in a Malay majority state, I sometimes faced racism by them. Though it is just a small population that are harsh but it does not deny the fact that we are treated differently because of our races and believes.

It is almost 3.30 am now in Malaysia. Tun M has announced the final verdict. PH won with 116 parlimentary seats. I shall update this entry further more, in a more organized way when I am free. Higher chances are I will not be updating but let us keep positive thoughts only.

A little update. The reason why I am so lacking in updating my blog is because I am so busy. Initially, I thought I would do an update once in 2 semester of my degree life. Just to documenting my life. But last semester, my team members organized a Movie Night which was a huge success and then during the sem break, I went for industrial attachment. It will be 2 different entries. I hope. This semester, I am busy with organizing the senior's' Oath Taking Ceremony. At this moment, I am totally exhausted. Mind and body.

I am now in study break but with all the planning and decision making, I have not have the chance to revise. I know, I'll be date. After finals, the ceremony will be on 10th June. After that, I will be going for a family vacation. Back from the vacation, I am expected to take up the maid's job of cleaning poop and taking care of my dogs. It is suppose to be a month long. By then, new semester will commence. Hopefully, by then I will be a final year student. Can't wait! So I basically laid out my whole plan till Dec already.

Please expect very slow delay. By the way, just before I forget, we have another addition to our family. We recently welcome another Danes (Yes, I know. I am crazy right). Ohh, I got so much to tell. We named her Luna, which means "Moon Goddess"

I will be back.

9th May marked a very historical day for all Malaysian

Tuesday 26 September 2017

The Waiting Game

My head hurts so much right now.  It is almost 3 am and I have early morning class tomorrow. Just need to find someone to talk to but who at this hour of time?

This is a little arguments I had with JH.  She got angry today that claiming that i always didnt wait for her.

I think that is a very selfish accusations. I didnt wait for you?  😏 I think over the two years I waited for you more than you for me.  I hate tardiness. In fact,  i hate it with every fiber of my existence. And my friend here is just what they call it the-last-minute girl.  She's  never on time for classes, meetings, boarding the plane and the list goes on.

Here I am always 20 minutes early for class. This has not happen once. It happens everytime. Till the fact that sometimes i would feel as if she lied just for me to wait for her.  So how dare you,  saying I never waited for you.  In fact,  all I do was waited till I got bored.

You dont really get to be angry with people when you are always late.  As the matter of fact,  its not that I dont wait for you today.  I waited.  But you say what?  You're  still at home.  The talk started at 11 am.  Im going to school early to have lunch with friends.  You say why bo jio?  Did you ask if we are having early lunch or what's our plan for today? No! Coz you just assume that we are going to have lunch at 1pm after the talk.  Problem is we had another event which requires us to sign in at 1.30 pm.

From how well I know you,  you are just going to assume we are going to sign in late since the event start at 2pm.  I guess I can see where this goes in future.  I dont really think we can be friends for long.  Just like how you take my credits away for something that you dont even put effort into.  Im tired.

I may not complain on the outside but it doesnt mean i like to wait.  Akmost every week wait for you on an average 10-20 minutes i guess at the end of the day,  i dont really owe you anything. Why am i subjected to the waiting torture?  In fact,  i am perfectly happy doing groceries shopping,  etc at my own.  I have myself to accompany.  I dont need you.

As the matter of truth, when you are around,  you are always dragging my time away.  For instance,  i am going to Gianf to buy some groceries. My plan is go buy and come out,  headed home to rest.  But with you around, i am suppose to walk the whole suoermarket. In long terms, this is in fact tiring.

Yes, you dont see me pull face or complain about you on others because i believe that is not my nature.  While you strive in gossips,  i dont.  I am happy to come back to my four walls sanctuary to sleep,  watching dramas or simply just doing my own things.
We are indeed two veey different individuals.  And if you are going to be mad each time and finding things to quarrel onto, i guess im done.  No point of wasting time and effort on something that makes me so unhappy. Life before you is happy and i believe life after you will also be a happy one. Just some advice,  not every one loves to wait.  You get mad when you waited for me but what about me who is always waiting for you too.

In court,  you will be said unfair from seeing one sided view.  You always think about yourself.  Never others.  I guess we dont need to argue on this anymore.  I also dont want to argue with people with kuaci brain.  Waste my time,  happiness and effort. So lets finish this less than 2 remaining years and then go separate ways,  okay?  Cause at this rate,  i dont even know if i want to be friends with you anymore.

Thursday 4 May 2017

A Promise I Made

A Promise I Made To Myself

4/5/2017 at 10.09 pm I made a promise to myself to spend more time with my siblings especially Kevin. I promise to be a nosy sister. To be more concern about him. Mommy has always been concern about him. And more than ever before, her complaints and concerns about Kevin are more frequently these days. She is worried about his studies and future. Mommy has voiced out that Kevin has drifted away from the family ever since Dad left us.

It was a difficult time for us all as we are all mourning for the loss. Never did I once consider how he is coping. It is perhaps that we are all mourning in our own ways that we have neglected him. We began to talk less, spend time less as a family and goes our own way. 9 years is a long period of time. Too long that we have forgotten what it is like to be a family, sitting down on the dining table eating together, talking and laughing together. 9 years is enough.

I went back home on the 28th April since labor day is on Monday. On Sunday at 7.00 pm, we received a call saying that my as fit as a fiddle Ku Kong (my maternal's grandmother's little brother) has passed away. It was a shock to us all as we just saw him at the hawker center when we had breakfast that morning. He passed away from heart attack while playing tennis that afternoon.

Life and fate is in God's hand. It made me realize that life is very fragile. It is just as one snap, your world come tumbling down. I realize that at this moment, if God take my life, I will leave this world full of regrets. Regrets for not being a good daughter to my mother and caring sisters to my siblings. I realize I need to change. I want to be a better daughter for my mother and a caring sisters to my siblings. I need to be attentive and up-to-dates with them. I want them to know that they can talk to me if ever they feel the need to talk to someone. We can talk about almost everything from studies to future careers, latest information, health related stuffs to relationship advice. Most importantly, I want my siblings to know that I will always be there for them.

I might not posted anything for a while now. But Mommy's health has deteriorate recently. Her recent blood test showed high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) which are shocking at 5.2 mmol/L making her total cholesterol at 7.2 mmol/L. Normal LDL level is < 2.6 mmol/L. I discussed this with my pharmacist where I did my community attachment and Mr Bernard advised to start her on statin medication as fast as possible. The downside? Statin will weakens her heart and she will have to take another medication for that.

Personally, I would not want to put Mommy on such medication knowing the side effects. So I got around asking what others in my families are taking for their cholesterol. Ck Pa got to know about this and helped Mommy getting her medicine. When I went back this time round, Mommy complained of 'tired' heart. I am worried hearing about that. I did not manage to bring her to a doctor or her pharmacist to discuss the problem. I hope to do that when I am back in July.

On Tuesday (2/5/17) I had a chat with Kevin. I asked him about his future, how he is coping with it all. I am happy and worry to know that he wants to pursue his studies in Finance & Investment. Happy that he has a goal to achieve. He knows his path to the future. He even said that he went around to ask requirements for that course. That is one big steps. Worried that he assume that by taking Finance & Investment, he would just need to take money out and invest. That is a wrong way of  thinking. I assume he was thinking to ask money for investment and investment is the easiest way to be rich. I hope I am wrong.

Brenda is also taking Finance & Investment. Mommy and I both think it is a great career for her as there are many working opportunities. She can be a finance adviser, investor etc. As for Kevin, I hope by the time he is 18, he would realize that investment is not all about taking money and invest. There are risk that follow. And since the economy is going down, I do not think many people would want to invest in big amounts. Business are failing everywhere. The are more empty shop lots than ever. It is sad to see people loses job everyday and applying for jobs at a minimum wages.

At the same time, I did also asked Kevin about his studies. How is he coping with Add Maths, Chemistry, Chinese? He got everything in control and even aim for 5As next year. I told him that even if As are not important, let's face the truth, one need good results to enter universities. The number of As determine your social standing and your future. It's true. Study harder and work harder are the two advice I gave out that day.

During the drive home, I also made him to promise me that he will take good care of Mommy. That he will help me monitor her food intake especially oily food (Mommy loves her fried keropok and fried banana). I want him to be more involve matters that concern the family. I told him Mommy's current health status and hope he is aware how important this is.

Chinese culture prioritize sons more than daughters. As Eric is still small, I hope Kevin would step up and take the role to be one of the decision maker in the house. Being a decision maker or leader is not easy. Your decisions would have to consider everyone in family and make sure everyone is happy. Along the way, I have made a few decisions with Mommy. It is hard and tough. I would not want to be blame if anything goes wrong and for decision I make, it was through several considerations, factors, impacts etc.

I would gladly pass the baton and sit back. At the age of 16, I think it is time for Kevin to step up to that place. I would have to discuss matters concerning the family with more and look on the options we have together. I want him to know he is part of the family and his opinions matters. I hope this would change over time. I want to bring my family back together.

Is this how parenting works? Gosh. It is tiring. I salute all parents out there. I need to find a way to bring Kevin closer to us and have him know that we are above his heng tai. That we will always be right behind him to support him. I made a promise tonight to guide him and show more love to him. One day, he will know that family always come first.

That is the promise I made to myself tonight.

 With much love,